1.First, download the desired resource content. It’s important to note that VAM scenes, characters, and other assets rely on the VAM game itself. This site has a dedicated page for the game. Of course, the homepage collection also includes the game itself along with some beginner and advanced tutorials. The download link will be provided below on this page.
3.Copy or cut the extracted folder into the VAM game’s folder (AddonPackages), then restart the game. You will be able to find the resource in the game’s resource preview. Alternatively, you can search for the resource by its name to quickly locate it.
- 关于下载资源,如果资源失效,请在本贴下留言或联系管理。
- ②:关于压缩密码,一般会有说明文档。如果没有,请点击此处查看说明文档,里面详细的介绍了压缩软件的安装使用和密码说明。
- ③:关于新地址的发布页面【一号链接】、【二号链接】建议收藏以备不时之需。